Fall is a great time for your to try out new looks. It’s a time when we get back to nature, wrap up warm, and experiment a little with style. So when you want to get dressed up for the cold season before Christmas, there’s a few looks you can go for. Here’s a snapshot of some things to think about when you’re planning your outfits over the next couple of months. 

Start with Your Skin


Your skin needs to be nourished before you do anything else.  Fall weather can be dry so your skin can suffer from dryness and a lack of proper moisture, so you’ll want to step up your skincare routine before trying new makeup looks this season. 


The better you take care of your skin, the easier your make up application becomes, as Dr. Paul Vitenas would always say. Get to know your skin type and how it reacts to the outside elements. Don’t be afraid to experiment either – the more you practice, the better your skincare routine will be. 


Earthy Eyeshadows


Autumnal colors are quite popular all year round, but they’re even better suited to the world around you when they match the trees, leaves, and the ground. Over the next month or so, try to use these earthy colors around your eyes. The more your eyeshadow helps your features to blend with the background, the more you’re going to stand out. We know it sounds ironic, but it really does work like that! 


Warm Your Cheeks


Autumn is a cold time of the year, even when we’re subjected to a random ‘Indian summer’ in the middle of October! As such, you should use products that help your skin to look and feel warm. Deep, rich blushes, for example, as well as more rosy lipstick or tinted lip balms. A warm look is also a glowing one, which’ll help your features to stand out during a time when the rain is beating down and there’s a serious chill in the air. What could be better for your look?!


Consider the Feeling of the Season


How does autumn feel to you? Is it a time for pumpkin spice lattes and wearing scarves, while taking a walk through the woods and feeling the leaves crunch under your feet? Or is it a time when you feel more ‘down in the dumps’, with the low light level and the drawing darkness? Either way, you can use these feelings to curate your makeup looks. The former can wear more ‘down to earth’ and cosy items while the latter can go for more of a ‘grunge’ style


Autumnal beauty is a little different for everyone. However, looking good during the cold and windy season is never going to be impossible! Have some fun with your looks during this time, and experiment a bit with your skincare. The more fun you have, the better you’re going to look! 


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