Month of the Military Child

Month of the Military Child


April is the month of the military child.  The Month of the Military Child was created in 1986 by former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger.  April 14th was Purple Up Day which is a day where wearing purple can be a visible way to show support and thank military youth for their important role in the armed forces community.  For more information head over to the Department of Defense Education Activity page

Being a military family, we move every few years and for my oldest this upcoming move will be her fourth and this fall will bring her to her fourth school in her short 11 years.  Their resiliency/bravery and positive attitude amaze me each and every time.  They push me to maintain my positive outlook and attitude to tackle all the challenges that come with moving, finding a new home, finding a new school, navigating new friendships, new sports teams, etc.  I know we have been lucky when it comes to moves and deployments compared to other military families and for that I am grateful.  Military life is not for everyone and it is a commitment the entire family takes on.  I hope to instill in them the practice of self love and to know they play an important part of in my husbands military career.

According to affirmations are “statements that are designed to create self-change in the individual using them.  They can serve as inspiration, as well as simple reminders.  They also can serve to focus attention on goals throughout the day, which, in and of itself, has the potential to promote positive and sustained self-change.”

Create Your Own Affirmations

Here are some simple steps to help get you started on creating / writing your own positive affirmations!  


Write in First Person


Positive Statement


Emotional Component


Present Tense


To incorporate positive affirmations with my kids I created these affirmation cards for them to choose one everyday and read it.  I plan to add more to them especially as we get closer to our move.  I don’t have a laminator so I covered them with contact paper to protect them for longer use.

You can print your own copy!  

Click here


Sharing all things motherhood, life +style, food, travel, military family life, etc.

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1 Comment

  1. What a great perspective! I can see how being a military family can have these challenges. What a wonderful way to help your kiddos feel self love and recognize their importance in your family!

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