Tips on how to update your bathroom on a budget

Photo by Jean van der Meulen


Updating your bathroom is something most consider when you are looking to renovate spaces in your home.  Chances are you have found new styles or ideas of how you can make it better for your family.  Updating your bathroom can be affordable!  Check out these tips on how you can update your bathroom on a budget today.


If you’re on a tight budget then you’re probably looking to make small upgrades that won’t break back. The good news is that some bathroom updates don’t require major renovations and can be a weekend DIY project.   

Change Your Vanity

Changing your vanity is a simple and easy process and it can go a long way to upgrading the look of your bathroom very quickly. You can buy ready-made vanities at your local hardware store. 


You can also buy materials and create your vanity. Take a look at the styles of vanity that you admire if you decide to build one on your own. 


Try to get a tutorial video or a book to assist you. If you know someone skilled at carpentry you can also ask them to help you. 


Additionally, you can get a craftsman to build the vanity for you. The bottom line is that changing out this one portion of your bathroom can make a world of difference.

Add an Accent Wall

A great place to start is to add an accent wall in your bathroom.  Paint or wallpaper are easy ways to change the look in your bathroom without much experience.   

Adding some color to your bathroom does not have to be extravagant. It is all about the things you put in your bathroom and how you go about mixing and matching the colors.


Simple things such as changing out the curtains in the bathroom, switching up the rugs and towels, as well as a shower curtain are good ways to add a pop of color to your bathroom easily.


Update the look of your bathroom by changing out the racks or hooks that you use to hang Richard Haworth bathrobes, your towels, and bathing rags too.

Add a Mirror

The right mirror can go a long way to making your bathroom look more spacious if it is a small one. It can also add a lot of light to your bathroom as well. 


The good thing about mirrors is that they come with several decorative options available. It is up to you to decide the style, size, and shape of the mirror that you want to use to enhance the space.

Maintain Your Bathroom 

Keeping your bathroom clean and uncluttered makes it easier to look its best.


I hope you’ve found some easy and inexpensive ways to update your bathroom.   suggestions given here are all very affordable and you can make the upgrade yourself without having to call in a professional unless you choose to.



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